Beautiful, poignant, and largely forgotten, the former synagogues of Detroit once outlined closely knit neighborhoods from the days when Detroit was a conglomerate of vibrant immigrant and ethnic communities, of a time when families walked to their places of worship, which stood in the midst of their neighborhoods.
Today, almost all the synagogues of Detroit are Christian houses of worship for Detroit's African American community. This is a story of two communities and two faiths, told by those who worshiped and continue to worship in these houses of prayer.
Life moves on, but the lost synagogues of Detroit live on and continue to serve their community and shelter its faith. Come with me as I explore this intriguing facet of Detroit's history and help me uncover and recover their story. I am an outsider to their history. I know little about them. Do you? Share them with the audience by following the "Email your memories to us" link that will appear on each shul page.
This is an audience-authored story. The words you read and the stories you will hear are yours and theirs. Join the others who are contributing their memories and knowledge. Many thanks to those of you who have contributed your stories to this project.