We welcome and invite you to share your memories of Detroit's former synagogues and Jewish sites.
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Shared Memories of El Moshe
all of the buildings along Michigan Avenue in that area (east of Junction
Avenue) have been demolished, permitting westbound Michigan Avenue traffic
to spot the old El Moshe Synagogue, which was the first building on the
east side of 29th Street (at the alley that ran behind the buildings that
used to be on the north side of Michigan Avenue). It is constructed of
yellow-colored brick and stands out like a sore thumb, but is still in
condition because it is being kept up by the church which now occupies
the building. Before those buildings on Michigan Avenue were demolished,
you could only see the synagogue by driving down 29th Street. If you would
like more information about the El Moshe Synagogue, I can furnish you
with some interesting stories.
- Harold